IpswDownloader allows you to easily download firmware files for your iDevice from an easy to use GUI (graphical user interface). Additionally the tool tells you whether or not the firmware you are downloading can be jailbroken or Unlocked. IpswDownloader 0.5: Windows Download Mac OS X Download (32 bit) Mac OS X Download (64 bit). A better solution is the free program IpswDownloader which is available for Windows and Macintosh computer systems. Ipsw is the file extension that Apple firmwares are provided in. The free tool offers firmware information and downloads for a variety of Apple devices. Supported devices include the iPhone 4G, iPad 1G and 2G or the Apple TV 2G. Hello, Is there an online location at apple.com where I can download.ipsw files for iPhones, iPads etc.? I've seen some sites like ipsw.me and ipswdownloader.com but I would feel more comfortable downloading directly from Apple.com. IpswDownloader is a product developed by Igr Software.This site is not directly affiliated with Igr Software.All trademarks, registered trademarks, product names and company names or logos mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners. VPN 360 - Unlimited VPN Proxy for iPhone and iPad Free VIEW →. VPN 360 is an Unlimited Free VPN to access any APP and Website using the FASTEST VPN Servers.

- an updated GUI
- jailbreak information
- auto updating for the application loads information about jailbreak from the server so it will always have the latest firmware versions as soon as they are available
- for Windows 7 users we have also added the progress bar in the task bar icon
- the usual “bug fixes” and updated the GUI
Ipswdownloader For Mac Os

When performing iPhone unlocks or when jailbreaking your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad it is always best to get the latest iOS firmware. Now, we would always recommend you to download the iOS firmwares from Apple’s official site, but in case you’re in a hurry and aren’t in a mood to search for the required firmware here is an alternative.
iOS firmwares are available for download in .ipsw format and are available from many sources, for your own security it is always advisable to use Apple’s website. ipswDownloader, developed by Vitaly Parovishnik, is a new application for Mac that does the job of searching legit IPSW firmwares for the respective iOS device.
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So, the next time you plan on unlocking or jailbreaking your iOS device you’ll know what to use to get your hands on the latest IPSW firmares. It can get quite messy if you’re not used to unlocking or jailbreaking, but ipswDownloader will save you all the trouble and handle the part of getting you the right firmware that you need.
Ipswdownloader For Mac Pro
ipswDownloader has a simple motive and it does that very well, along with some extra goodies. For example if you are looking for iOS 4.3 for your iPhone 4, the app will also tell you if your current baseband and firmware can be unlocked/jailbroken and also directs you to the softwares required to do so. Other than that it will also display the size of your download and download speeds.
As told before, this app is currently only available for Mac OS X, hopefully a Windows version will be out soon. If you’re wondering about the originality of these IPSW files then don’t, because these are directly downloaded via Apple’s servers. The app will not cost you anything at all and can be downloaded from here.
What do you think of this simple little app? Where do you normally download IPSW firmware files from?
[ via RedmondPie ]
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