Pro Tools Keyboard Shortcuts For Mac

10 incredibly useful Mac keyboard shortcuts you should be using. New iPad Pro, new MacBook Air, new Mac mini. Apple made it easy to see all your screenshotting tools at once with this.

Keyboard shortcuts (or keyboard hotkeys) are super useful. Not only do they improve productivity and allow you efficiently get work done, they also allow users get the most out of their computers. If you aren’t actively taking advantage of keyboard shortcuts to boost your productivity and streamline your workflow at work, at home or anywhere, then you should start ASAP — though it might take some time getting used to.

Keyboard shortcuts can help you navigate and execute tasks faster on your PC and ultimately make your work (and life) a lot easier. We previously made a list of over 30 super useful keyboard shortcuts for Windows users. This one’s dedicated to users of PCs running Apple’s Mac OS. Listed below are over 30 Mac Keyboard shortcuts to help you fully utilize your iMac, MacBook, and MacBook Pro.

Pro Tools Shortcuts Pdf

The Mac OS X Dashboard feature uses the same key command Pro Tools uses to start recording (F12). If you want to retain use of this key command in Pro Tools, this shortcut must be disabled. For more information, see your Setup Guide. Then press the power button to turn on your Mac. Then press and hold the keys as your Mac starts up. Wait a few seconds before pressing the keys, to give your Mac more time to recognize the keyboard as it starts up. Some keyboards have a light that flashes briefly at startup, indicating that the keyboard is recognized and ready for use. Pro Tools Mac Keyboard. The Pro Tools Custom Mac Keyboard from Avid is a USB keyboard designed specially for use in a Pro Tools environment with direct access to primary transport and editing functions. The keyboard features color-coded keycaps with icons that give clear, simple visual cues for keyboard shortcuts. Start studying Pro Tools 11 Mac Keyboard Shortcuts: Recording. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools.

Mac Keyboard Shortcuts

Pro tools keyboard shortcuts mac
  1. Command + Tab — Switch/Cycle through apps
  2. Command + Brackets “[” or “] “ — Move to the Previous ( [ ) or Next ( ] ) folderBy pressing “command” and the left bracket ([) you can move to the previous folder.
  3. Shift + Control + Power button — Put all display to sleep (when using multiple displays).
  4. Command + F — Find text in a document or webpage.
  5. Command + Spacebar — Opens Spotlight search bar. Use this to find files in a folder.
  6. Command + Semicolon — Find misspelled words in a given document.
  7. Command + Colon OR Command + Shift + Semicolon — Open the spelling and grammar window.
  8. Command + Ctrl + D — Look up a word in dictionary (hover mouse over a word)
  9. Command + Z — Undo a previous action
  10. Command + Shift + Z — Redo a previous action that was undone with the “Command + Z” function.
  11. Command + Opt + Delete — Delete a File (does not put the file in Trash)
  12. Command + Delete — Move files to the Trash
  13. Command + Control + Space — Open Emoji and Special character panel.
  14. Command + Control + F — Display current app in fullscreen.
  15. Command + Shift + 3 — Take a screenshot of the entire screen
  16. Command + Shift + 4 — Take a screenshot of a selected area (Drag over an area to select it)
  17. Command + Shift + 5 — Open Screen Utility
  18. Command + H — Hide the current app.
  19. Command + Option + H — Hide all other apps (asides the current app
  20. Command + Plus (+) or Minus (-) — Adjust the font size in Messaging app
  21. Command + I — Get information on a selected file/folder.
  22. Command + Shift + D — Open the Desktop folder
  23. Command + Shift + O — Open the Documents folder
  24. Command + Shift + C — Open the Computer window
  25. Command + Shift + F — Open the Recents folder
  26. Command + Tab — Switch between apps (Press Cmd + Tab to switch to last used app; press the two buttons again to switch back)
  27. Command + Left Arrow key — Go back a page in a browser window or Go to beginning of line when typing/working with text.
  28. Command + Right Arrow key — Go to the next page in a browser or Go to end of all the text when typing.
  29. Command + Shift + T — Open last closed tab in a web browser.
  30. Command + Shift + V — Paste and Match Style — paste text without its previous formattting, otherwise known as “Paste as plain text” in Windows.

Excel For Mac Shortcut Keys


Pro Tools Keyboard Shortcuts Mac


Pro Tools Shortcuts List

  • Option + Shift + Volume Up/Down — Increase or Decrease the volume on your Mac PC in small increments.
  • Command + Accent (`) — Activate next window in an application
  • Command + Accent (`) + Shift — Activate previous window in an application
  • Command + A — Select all
  • Command + Option + A — Undo Select All or Deselect all
  • Command + C — Copy Files
  • Command + V — Paste Files
  • Command + Option + V — Move copied files
  • Command + Option + C — Copy a file’s pathname